How to Properly Clean Your Garbage Disposal


Tag: kitchen

How to Properly Clean Your Garbage Disposal

Posted on July 1, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

If you have ever lived in a home with a garbage disposal you know how much of a help they can be when it is time to clean up the dishes. Instead of having to stand over the trash can and scrape every plate, you can rinse them off over the disposal while it is running. The device chews up the leftovers into small pieces which your pipes can safely carry away. But the disposal is like any other appliance. It needs to be maintained to work properly and to have a long service life. According to Consumer Reports over ...

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How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal

Posted on February 24, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Garbage disposals are a great way to deal with organic waste when cleaning the dishes. They use electrical and mechanical muscle to grind down organic matter which can then be easily flushed down your drain. But they do get pretty filthy and sometimes require maintenance. Almost 100 years ago, an architect named John W. Hammes from Racine, Wisconsin invented the first version of the garbage disposal.  That was a crude version of what we have today. Cleaning a Modern Garbage Disposal Items you will need: Half a cup of baking soda One Cup of White Vinegar One Pot of Boiling ...

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How to unclog your drains – 4 Easy Steps

Posted on September 17, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

f you notice a foul smell in your house but can’t seem to find the source, you may want to check your drains. Dirty, clogged drains not only spread a strange smell through your home but bacteria as well. Among the most affected drains that face organic build-up, clogs, and foul smell are kitchen and bathroom drains since they transport the greatest amount of water flow and waste. Kitchen drains are clogged mainly by oil, fat, and grease, while bathroom drain clogs are formed from hair and scum from personal products. There are different methods to unclog your drains without ...

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What is Causing My Faucet to Leak?

Posted on June 15, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

It may sound innocuous enough, but a leaky faucet could spell bad news for the homeowner. For one, it could be a sign that there is a much bigger underlying plumbing problem. But even if that isn't the case, a single leaky faucet could increase your water bill by 10%. The constant flow of water could cause damage to sealants and cause long term buildup in the pipe. Not to mention, a leaky faucet is enough to drive a person trying to sleep mad. But what causes leaky faucets? What happens to a faucet to make it go from its ...

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Tips to Help Your Kitchen Plumbing Run More Smoothly

Posted on May 4, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

We get calls each and every week which have to do with plumbing in the kitchen. Many times people are making the same mistakes over and over again which result in plumbing problems. In this article we will go over some "Do's and Don'ts" when it comes to kitchen plumbing. Hopefully this information can help you have a kitchen which is plumbing catastrophe free. DON'T: Don't pour grease down your drain. In fact, this is one of the worst things you can do. Grease is the perfect substance to glum onto debris and other materials and then harden. It will ...

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How to Remove Old Caulk

Posted on April 14, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

  Caulking is used in every home. It is usually used where water is used. The caulk creates a water-tight seal which prevents water from getting behind or between things. Without caulk there would be all types of mold and pest activity between your cabinets and and behind your walls. Caulk is also used on windows, cabinets and just about anywhere there is a seam which needs to be sealed. Caulk not only prevents water exposure but it keeps out bugs. Caulk, like all things, wears down over time. The passage of time sees the substance degrade on a molecular ...

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Snaking Your Own Toilet or Drain

Posted on April 13, 2020 by Melbourne Plumber

There are some clogs that liquid plumber and and rubber plungers just can't seem to solve. (Try these home solutions too). For those really tough stubborn clogs there is a device called a "snake". I am sure you have heard about this device and know exactly why it is called that. So, I won't waste time or words on that. But what is good to know is that you can get a pretty decent snake online for about 40 bucks. There are snakes that work well on the free market and they will deliver them right to your door. The ...

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How to Make Your Pipes Last Longer

Posted on January 31, 2020 by Melbourne Plumber

When you own a home you want to keep your expenses down anyway possible. This goes for the short and long-term. Pipes eventually go bad in a home and replacing them can be very expensive. In this article we will go over methods to keeping your pipes lasting as long as possible. Checking Water Pressure This is a big one. Too much water pressure is bad for your pipes. Just a few PSI above the recommended level doesnt seem like much, but over years time it can do serious damage. It is suggested that you keep your PSI below 85. ...

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Think Twice About Liquid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Posted on May 14, 2019 by Melbourne Plumber

The liquid chemical drain cleaner has been around for some time. We have all seen the commercials. Pour in the liquid or the gel and the clog goes away in minutes. This may be true some of the time but what exactly is going on when you use these products? Firstly, we cannot overstate how dangerous these chemicals are to have around the house, especially when you have kids or pets. They are highly corrosive and will kill skin on contact. With that said, what else are they harming? (more…)

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Keeping Your Dishwasher from Clogging

Posted on May 2, 2019 by Melbourne Plumber

The modern dishwasher is a luxury for sure. Anyone who has had an electric dishwasher then moved to a home without one knows what a luxury they can be. But dishwashers can have their bad times too. They are not without their own problems. Up to 75% of homes have an electric dishwasher.  So, you could say that people believe in the power and effectiveness of it. But, anyone who has had major dishwasher problems knows they can be a headache. (more…)

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