Tips for Saving Water and Money


Category: Toilet

Tips for Saving Water and Money

Posted on July 22, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Water which is provided by the municipal supply is pulled from the source, treated and then pumped to your home. This process takes time and energy. So naturally there is a charge associated with this process. In this article we want to discuss some tips which may help you conserve water and cut down on that monthly bill. Low Flow Toilets - The newest toilets on the market use a fraction of water than older ones. Half a gallon here or there may seem like it's not a lot of water but it adds up over time. You can save ...

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Finding a Plumber You Can Trust is Important

Posted on January 26, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

There are several types of professionals you want to establish a good report with throughout your life. These are usually the following: doctor, barber, mechanic & plumber. Yes, a plumber. There is no doubt that as you go through life you will need to call on the services of a plumber multiple times. And some of those times it will be an emergency situation. Whether it be for a burst pipe, a sewage backup, a severe clog or just replacing your water heater, you will need to call a plumber at some point. Here are the things you should look ...

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How to Fix a Toilet that Won’t Stop Running

Posted on November 22, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

There are devices in your toilet which measure how much water is in the tank then signal another device to close the incoming water valve when it is full. If there is a problem anywhere along this process then you can end up with a toilet that doesn’t stop incoming water flow. The result is a toilet which makes an annoying noise and an elevated water bill. So, what causes this issue? Find the Issue Figure out which device is malfunctioning. It will be the fill valve or the flapper valve. The flapper valve is the device which controls the ...

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How Will I Know When Its Time to Replace my Toilet?

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Some folks may answer this question with something like "you know when you know." This statement would imply that it will be so obvious to you when it is time to replace your toilet that you will just do it. But let's not forget that people get used to their situation and may not realize the true problem they have. They may not be aware of the constant trickle of water being pumped into the tank because of a leak and they simply have become used to the sound and may be tuning it out. They may not realize there ...

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Should I Purchase and Install a Water Filtration System?

Posted on September 25, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Water purity is something humans have known is important for thousands of years. And even though our ancestors may not have known exactly what impurities in water were or how it affected us, they knew the value of clear and clean drinking water. The cleaner the water, the clearer and better tasting it is. But some impurities could go undetected by visual inspection or taste. Oftentimes, toxic metals found their way into the water and negatively affected the populace. It was perfectly normal to have lead pipes bringing your drinking water in not that long ago. Science has helped us ...

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Bathroom Plumbing Problems

Posted on April 10, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Any sort of bathroom plumbing issues can cause inconvenience. When facing a similar issue, you should fix it as soon as possible. As a homeowner, you can understand the headache of home maintenance. Especially those random problems that pop up spontaneously.  Apart from home maintenance, bathroom problems can create a mess. It hikes up your water bills, causes property damage, and causes leaks in bathroom pipes and faucets. Keep reading this article to discover some common bathroom plumbing problems.  Plumbing Problems in the Bathroom  Here are some of the common bathroom issues that homeowners face. Make sure not to try ...

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Does Putting a Brick in my Toilet Tank Save Water?

Posted on November 18, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

If you have ever seen an old brick resting in a toilet tank and wondered to yourself "what in the world?", you are in good company. Many people have never heard of the old wives tale of why you should put a brick in your toilet tank. Its not there to ward off evil spirits or balance the alkalinity of the water. No. Its there because someone came up with the idea that by putting a brick in the tank you can save water and therefore save money. As a professional plumber in the Melbourne FL area,  I am here ...

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Items Which Will Cause Clogs

Posted on November 3, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

One of the many conveniences of modern plumbing is the ability to get rid of waste in an easy fashion. Whether this is human waster or food waste, we can just flip a switch and wash it away. But it is important to remember that everything is not flushable or made to easily go down your drain. In this article we  look at items which are better thrown away and not flushed or disposed of down your sink. Coffee Grounds People have been running these down the sink for decades. You will most likely not have any trouble getting the ...

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Reasons Why Your Toilet Fills Slowly

Posted on March 29, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Does our toilet seem like it is filing slower and slower? There could be various reasons as to why this is happening. In this article we will review the reasons why. We will also suggest solutions. Water Valve Turned Too Low - The valve controlling the amount of water the toilet receives is the first place to check. Make sure the water valve which connects to the toilet is turned all the way to the open position. A Clogged Vent - There is an air vent which allows pressure to escape while the water is filling. The vent runs through ...

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Why You Should Have Two Plungers

Posted on December 6, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

The modern plunger is a simple device which was invented sometime in the 1700's. It is unknown who invented the plunger but the device has worked the same since day one. It consists of using a pliable suction cup attached to a stick or pole. The cup creates a vacuum around the pipe and the pulling and pushing action helps knock loose whatever is causing the clog. Moreover, when the suction end is removed from the drain or clogged pipe, the restoration of pressure to it usually forces free what has been lodged. The science is simple and logic is ...

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