From time to time the City of Melbourne announces that it will temporarily switch its water treatment chemicals from chloramine to chlorine. The reason they make this change is due to bacterial resistance. Living organisms like bacteria, mold and fungus find ways to adapt to their environment. This includes being able to adapt to chemicals which kill it. By switching disinfectants once in a while, the city water managers can knock out any bacteria which are starting to adapt. Sometimes this can cause the water to smell and taste a bit like chlorine. Most people don't like this taste or ...
Read MoreIf you have lived here for any length of time, you now that getting down to freezing temperatures is very rare. But, you also know it does happen from time to time. This begs the question: Can my pipes freeze here in Central Florida? A complete pipe freeze is very rare. The temps here don't get super cold like they do up north. I'm talking 0-20 degrees range. Extremely low temperatures over prolonged periods of time are how one gets frozen pipes. We rarely face those exact conditions. However, if and when we do expect freezing temperatures, there are ...
Read MoreLife is getting more expensive. There is no denying that. You can see that the price of everything has dramatically risen in the last few years. This fact has people searching for ways that they can save money around the home. We created this article to compile a short list of ways the average person can save money in their home in regards to plumbing. These tips may seem like common sense to some people or even no that big of a deal others, but we guarantee you that if you follow them, a great deal of money will be ...
Read MoreThe problem of water not draining from your shower may be worse than you realize. This is because it may not just be your shower water failing to drain but waste water actually coming back into the shower stall itself. The main sewer line can be clogged for a number of reasons but these clogs all have the same effect. The dangerous wastewater that is supposed to be leaving your home is not doing so in an efficient manner. I use the word "dangerous" because wastewater often contains seriously harmful bacteria such as: E. coli Salmonella Streptococcus Pseudomonas aeruginosa Shigella, ...
Read MoreRenovating your kitchen can bring a fresh new feel to your home and to arguably the most important room in the home. If you want to experience something quite interesting, renovate your kitchen and see what new life it brings to your home. A full renovation consists of new appliances, perhaps a large hood for your new stove, paint for the walls, perhaps tiles and a new backsplash as well as other creature comforts like a new island complete with sink. It's true that full renovations can grow to be quite expensive. However, the value and utility it will bring ...
Read MoreWater which is provided by the municipal supply is pulled from the source, treated and then pumped to your home. This process takes time and energy. So naturally there is a charge associated with this process. In this article we want to discuss some tips which may help you conserve water and cut down on that monthly bill. Low Flow Toilets - The newest toilets on the market use a fraction of water than older ones. Half a gallon here or there may seem like it's not a lot of water but it adds up over time. You can save ...
Read MoreWe have all at some point in our life used a faucet and when turning it on or off heard the pipes groan or vibrate. It’s a bit unsettling and instantly makes you think that something is going to break. After a few times of it happening with no major consequences you tend to get used to it. Or at the very least, it no longer freaks you out. But, what causes the pipes to make those noises in the first place? There are a multiple reasons pipes can make noises such as groaning or rattling. In this article we ...
Read MoreThe toilet is a staple in any home or business. It is perhaps the most important modern appliance in the home yet it goes mostly overlooked and isn't even thought about much. But without the modern toilet, life would be a whole lot different. A device which carries human waste out of our living space is arguably the most important feature to any home. Human waste is very dangerous and must be discarded in a safe and efficient manner. The modern toilet accomplishes these very tasks. Holes in the Ground and Outhouses The earliest humans would simply do their business ...
Read MoreThe hot and mostly beautiful summer is upon us. We will visit the beach, go swimming, maybe do some boating and basically do all the things that we love to do in the summer. It's part of the benefit of living in America's southeast. But, we all know with those benefits come some risks, like violent storms, for example. As you probably know, hurricanes are the biggest natural disaster Floridians face every year. The big swirling storms brings with them many billions of gallons of water and extreme natural energy. These intense storms can cause wind damage, flooding, lightning fires ...
Read MoreFixing your own home plumbing can be something simple or it can be something very challenging. There are two variables in this equation. The first and most important is what sort of plumbing issue you have. If it is something as simple as a lose pipe which is allowing liquids to drip, most anyone can handle this with a wrench and some elbow grease. The second variable is the skill level of the homeowner. Is working on plumbing something this person has done previously? Did they work in the industry? Maybe they took some courses in trade school. The degrees ...
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