Can My Pipes Freeze Here in Central Florida?


Can My Pipes Freeze Here in Central Florida?

Posted on January 6, 2025 by Melbourne Plumber


frozen pipes can leave cracks behind

If you have lived here for any length of time, you now that getting down to freezing temperatures is very rare. But, you also know it does happen from time to time. This begs the question: Can my pipes freeze here in Central Florida?

A complete pipe freeze is very rare. The temps here don’t get super cold like they do up north. I’m talking 0-20 degrees range. Extremely low temperatures over prolonged periods of time are how one gets frozen pipes. We rarely face those exact conditions.

However, if and when we do expect freezing temperatures, there are some steps you can take to prevent your pipes from freezing up. If you lived up north for any length of time then you already know these step most likely.

Examine your pipes

Examining your pipes is one of the easiest yet most efficient things you can do! Has your sprinkler system’s surrounding turf become worn down? Has the insulation surrounding your pipes been eroded by animals? Your plumbing system’s exposed components can reveal a lot about its state and warn you of issues that need to be handled by a professional.

Maintain Airflow

Usually found in the kitchen or bathroom, plumbing supply lines enter a home through an exterior wall. These pipes may be concealed in closed-off areas inside cabinets or beneath counters that are noticeably colder than the rest of your house. You can prevent frozen and cracked pipes by raising the temperature of the pipes by a few crucial degrees by opening cabinets and letting warm air circulate.

Allow Faucet to Drip

Turning on one or two faucets to create a slow, steady drip from the fixture is a good way to deal with outdoor supply lines that can’t be turned off and drained. The formation of ice can be avoided by permitting a small amount of water to pass through the pipes.

But Wait… There’s More

People take other measures around their home as well such as covering plants with bags to keep them from freezing. They bring potted plants indoors as well as water hoses and mobile sprinklers.

A ten minute walk around your home can help you see what could freeze and little steps you take can be the difference between a cracked pipe and one which will last many years with no issues.

Why Frozen Pipes are Bad

Besides not being able to get fresh water into your home for cooking cleaning and flushing, frozen pipes create other issues as well. The pipe can crack as water expands within it. Then you are left with a pipe leak which can damage your home, cause mold, or the pipe can even burst and flood parts of your home.

Having a burst or cracked pipe is a tremendous nuisance. You will wish you left your sink on a steady and slow overnight drip once you have one. Hindsight is always 20/20.

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