Garbage Disposal Problems


Tag: kitchen

Garbage Disposal Problems

Posted on March 22, 2019 by Melbourne Plumber

A garbage disposal is a handy tool in the kitchen. As the name implies, this device helps you dispose of bits of matter in the kitchen that may be considered garbage. Of course, it has its limitations. Only degradable materials should be put into your disposal. Materials other than food may cause you major problems, if not now, then down the road. There are a number of things that can go wrong with your disposal. Here is a list of symptoms and the possible cause for your garbage disposal: (more…)

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Types of Faucets Plumbers Deal With

Posted on November 14, 2017 by Melbourne Plumber

There are numerous types of faucets on the market. With so many, a plumber has to be up to date on the types that may be leaking in a home. Here are some common faucets that are found and problems that can arise with them. Leaky Faucets are a Common Problem A common problem found in most households is having a leaky faucet. Most people ignore it when it can be a simple fix. While, some may be worse than others, it might be ideal to try a quick fix before calling in a plumber for the job. Shut off ...

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The Benefits of a New Sink Fixture

Posted on February 15, 2017 by Melbourne Plumber

Are you sick of looking at those old fixtures around your home, but aren’t sure if you should spend the money on a replacement? Here are some benefits that you could enjoy by going ahead and buying replacements around your home. Of course, many of these benefits only apply if you currently have older fixtures in your home. Save You Time How many times have you dealt with a clog? How about a leak or a faulty knob? Old fixtures cause problems when they begin to wear out. They can make your home look dated and give you additional chores ...

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Why It’s Important to Rely on a Professional for a Gas Installation

Posted on February 6, 2017 by Melbourne Plumber

If you live in a home that relies on natural gas for things like hot water heaters, your furnace, a fireplace or your oven, it’s more difficult to install new units around your house. Gas lines must be run and properly taken care of to ensure that they operate properly. Running gas lines is dangerous business, and something that should be handled by someone with experience, that’s why it makes sense to hire a professional when you need a new gas line installed somewhere in your home. Safety Natural gas is a pretty dangerous substance and something that you must ...

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Why Your Faucet is Leaking

Posted on January 16, 2017 by Melbourne Plumber

While a leaky faucet isn’t a serious threat to your home, it is a serious waste of water and an issue that you should resolve as soon as you can. Fortunately for you, most of the time a leaky faucet is a pretty minor problem to solve, and something that you might even be able to fix yourself. Here’s a breakdown of the most common causes behind a leaky faucet, make sure that you look for the root of the problem in this order. The O-Ring An O-ring or rubber gasket is a common culprit in a typical sink leak. ...

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Simple Steps to Avoid a Drain Clog

Posted on January 6, 2017 by Melbourne Plumber

Drain clogs are a pretty serious issue and they can stop you from using the sinks, showers, bathtubs and other fixtures throughout your home. That’s why it’s so important to work to prevent them from forming in the first place. Here’s an outline of some simple steps that you can follow to minimize clogging in your home. Follow each of these steps and you’ll be less likely to have to call in a professional to get your home working again. Screens are Your Friend One of the best ways that you can prevent clogs in any of the drains around ...

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Why You Should Have a Florida Plumber Help You Install a Dish Washer

Posted on September 29, 2016 by Melbourne Plumber

If your home doesn’t yet include a dishwasher, or if you have an aging machine that probably needs replacing it’s worth your time and money to have a Florida plumber put one in for you. There are several major benefits of having one of these devices in your kitchen, and we’ll quickly overview some of the most important ones for you to think about. Save Water While it might seem counterintuitive, most studies suggest that a modern-day dishwasher will use up much less water than washing all the dishes by hand. Of course, if you are very careful to conserve ...

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Troubleshooting Your Single Handle Kitchen Sink Faucet

Posted on February 25, 2016 by Melbourne Plumber

Your kitchen sink is one of the most used fixtures in your water system.  The heart of the home is not beating properly without your main faucet for cooking and cleaning.  Single handled faucets are known for developing leaks after so much wear and tear.  But there is no need to worry.  Repairing them is often a quick and super easy fix.  (more…)

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Why is Under My Kitchen Sink Leaking?

Posted on November 24, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

You go to reach for a new garbage bag or the bottle of dishwashing detergent and see a puddle of water under your kitchen sink.  You have two options, one is close the cabinet and pretend you didn’t see it or grab a towel and potentially fix your problem.  What have you got to lose?  A plumber is always a call away if you don’t feel up to the task. The first thing to check may seem a bit too Captain, but when you clear out all of the cleaning bottles, make sure it wasn’t just one of those leaking.  ...

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How to Fix Banging Pipes

Posted on October 3, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

If you can hear a banging sound coming from a pipe within your walls, it may not be as complex of a problem as you may think.  This common issue is known as water hammer because the water is basically acting like a hammer as it hits against a pipe. It’s a Pressure Issue The water is flowing at such a high speed that when the valve is closed to turn the water off from a point within the house, it is slamming into the valve and pipe’s interior walls with nowhere to go.  So, it rattles and vibrates until ...

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