Summer Storm Floods in Brevard County


Tag: sewer

Summer Storm Floods in Brevard County

Posted on July 31, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

This time of year it rains every single day. And we aren't talking about normal rain either. These are monsoon type of rain storms. The sky will go from bright and sunny to as dark as night in a matter of minutes. The sky then opens and lightning and thunder viciously take over the atmosphere. Does this sound familiar? I bet it does. That is life in Brevard County for the months June - August (sometimes longer). The extra water produced by these storms is dealt with in various ways. Florida has an intricate network of canals and our streets ...

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Most Expensive Plumbing Projects

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

There exist some plumbing projects which can be very expensive and make the homeowner cringe when they hear the price. However, we are lucky enough to live in an era where there are work-arounds and ways to save money. But, the topic of this article explains what we will be discussing today. Which plumbing projects do homeowners dread the most because of the high cost? Replacing or Repairing a Sewer Line - This is a time consuming, labor-intensive process which involves digging up the entire line and replacing it with new pipes. The project can range from $3,000-$7,000. Installing a ...

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8 Common Problems Seen Within Plumbing

Posted on September 27, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Whether you rent or own a home, you will likely be faced with a plumbing problem at least once. However, many of the problems seen that involve plumbing will not be detectable right away. When these problems are not addressed, this can result in major repairs. Normally, an issue with the plumbing will be caused by age and normal wear. While it may seem simple to fix the problems, it is better to leave them to the pros. With that, below we have listed some common problems seen within plumbing. Faucets that Leak A leaky faucet is a big deal ...

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Other Items Which Should Not be Flushed

Posted on June 14, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

In the past we have written about items which should not be flushed down your toilet in order to prevent a clog. We mentioned items like paper towels, baby wipes and even skin care wipes. In this article we want to list some of the other items which should not be flushed. Your toilet is a picky device in that it wants only organic matter or matter which can be broken down easily. This is why toilet paper is so thin and flimsy. If it were any tougher it would cause clogs all of the time. The fact remains that ...

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Side Sewer Issues – What to Expect

Posted on January 4, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

The side sewer carries wastewater from sinks, toilets and other drains to the public sewer.  If you own your house or business then you also own your side sewer and are responsible for its maintenance and repair. Being familiar with the side sewer can help you understand what is happening should it ever need repair. Most Frequent Issues There are a variety of problems which can arise with the side sewer. They can develop cracks or leaks which can cause a lot of problem in the long run. They are constructed by several pipe joints which may not match up ...

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Signs that Your Sewer Line May Need Repair

Posted on November 5, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

No homeowner wants to deal with major catastrophic damage in or around their home. This is because it can get pretty expensive and all the work being done can really affect your daily life. Before an issue gets to be catastrophic, it can be nipped in the bud as they say. Today we are discussing sewer lines. These exit pipes from your home go fully unnoticed when functioning properly. But when they fail to perform, the results are noticeable right away. Usually a sewer line will be totally collapsed or failing in other ways before people address the problem. It ...

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Drains Back Up After a Rain Storm

Posted on March 22, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

This is Florida. We are very close to sea-level and would be wading around in marsh land most of the time if it weren't for elaborate canal systems and drainage ditches. Everything has to run smoothly as far as the canal system goes to keep flooding from occurring, especially after rainstorms. This holds true for your home plumbing system as well. Some people may experience their drains backing up after a heavy rainstorm. This is not normal. This means something is not working properly in your home plumbing system. Your sewer drain is allowing a backflow of water which it ...

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Clog in Your Main Drain in Melbourne Florida

Posted on July 14, 2020 by Melbourne Plumber

Clearing the main drain from your home is a task you will most likely run into in your lifetime. For Brevard County residents living in home built before the 1980's, it is something you have most likely had to deal with more than once. The older drains are built out of cast iron and they collect debris and build-up over time. Not only that but the cast iron drains start to corrode and collapse on themselves. Every single one is a ticking time-bomb. And by that I don't mean they'll explode. I just mean they will fail and you will ...

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Pros and Cons Between Septic and Sewer?

Posted on April 30, 2020 by Melbourne Plumber

The two types of systems make up the overwhelming majority of methods to remove wastewater from the home. Fundamentally they work the same but a closer look reveals the differences between the two systems. Many people have lived in homes with both types of systems and they have their own preferences. There is no clear cut winner in the debate. (more…)

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Plumbing Tips for the Laundry Room

Posted on February 4, 2019 by Melbourne Plumber

Laundry rooms use just as much plumbing as other rooms in the house, yet people tend not to think about it that way. You have both hot and cold water inputs and a main drainage line. Often times, when a problem is recurring with the main sewage drain, the problem can be traced back to the laundry room. People often use way too much laundry detergent. They also use additives that soften clothing or adds fragrances to it. Many of these products, along with your standard detergent, can create a residue in your main outgoing drainage line. The result is ...

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