Plumbing Tips for Hurricane Season


Tag: leaks

Plumbing Tips for Hurricane Season

Posted on May 28, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

The hot and mostly beautiful summer is upon us. We will visit the beach, go swimming, maybe do some boating and basically do all the things that we love to do in the summer. It's part of the benefit of living in America's southeast. But, we all know with those benefits come some risks, like violent storms, for example. As you probably know, hurricanes are the biggest natural disaster Floridians face every year. The big swirling storms brings with them many billions of gallons of water and extreme natural energy. These intense storms can cause wind damage, flooding, lightning fires ...

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What to Know Before You Work on Your Own Plumbing

Posted on May 1, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Fixing your own home plumbing can be something simple or it can be something very challenging. There are two variables in this equation. The first and most  important is what sort of plumbing issue you have. If it is something as simple as a lose pipe which is allowing liquids to drip, most anyone can handle this with a wrench and some elbow grease. The second variable is the skill level of the homeowner. Is working on plumbing something this person has done previously? Did they work in the industry? Maybe they took some courses in trade school. The degrees ...

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Water Leaks and Black Mold

Posted on February 21, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

In single-story homes where plumbing is located in the attic or in multi-floor houses, a leak from above can seem catastrophic. Gravity pulls the leaking water down into the walls and floors. The result can be ruined drywall, flooring and even worse, black mold. As you may know, black mold is more than just an eyesore. The spores from this mold can be harmful to human biology. Instantly, the mold can cause sneezing, coughing, congestion and eye irritation. Over the long term in can cause lung damage and cognitive decline. It's bad news. Black mold must be removed by professionals ...

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Finding a Plumber You Can Trust is Important

Posted on January 26, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

There are several types of professionals you want to establish a good report with throughout your life. These are usually the following: doctor, barber, mechanic & plumber. Yes, a plumber. There is no doubt that as you go through life you will need to call on the services of a plumber multiple times. And some of those times it will be an emergency situation. Whether it be for a burst pipe, a sewage backup, a severe clog or just replacing your water heater, you will need to call a plumber at some point. Here are the things you should look ...

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Bathroom Plumbing Problems

Posted on April 10, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Any sort of bathroom plumbing issues can cause inconvenience. When facing a similar issue, you should fix it as soon as possible. As a homeowner, you can understand the headache of home maintenance. Especially those random problems that pop up spontaneously.  Apart from home maintenance, bathroom problems can create a mess. It hikes up your water bills, causes property damage, and causes leaks in bathroom pipes and faucets. Keep reading this article to discover some common bathroom plumbing problems.  Plumbing Problems in the Bathroom  Here are some of the common bathroom issues that homeowners face. Make sure not to try ...

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When to Replace a Kitchen Appliance

Posted on January 31, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

If your appliance has crossed over 10 years, you need to replace them as soon as possible. Several experts have recommended some calculations, and the estimated repair cost is almost half the cost of a new appliance. Now, don't you think it is better to buy a new appliance rather than keep repairing the old one? Sometimes, there is a minor fault in an appliance that could be fixed. These types of issues can be solved by repairing them. But you can't deny the fact that eventually, the appliances, at some point, need to be replaced, especially when it starts ...

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Leaking Pipes: Repair or Replace

Posted on January 5, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Leaking pipes indicate that you have plumbing issues and that your supply pipes need fixing. This usually occurs with old and less maintained pipes. And, if you had trouble with repairing leaking pipes in the past, it is in your best interest to consider replacing them to stop leaks in the future. Leaking pipes can even lead to water pipe bursts, which can be stressful. Therrrefooore you must handle the issue as soon as possible. You can either repair the water pipe or replace it entirely. The severity of the pipe’s deterioration determines how easily you can fix it. Continue ...

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Dishwasher Not Draining?

Posted on December 9, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

One of the many appliances we have in the modern area which helps make our lives a little bit easier is the dishwasher. This device sprays your dirty dishes down with water and detergent then rinses and dries them as well. Your dishes come out (mostly) spotless and sanitized. Modern dishwashers are really something to behold. When modern appliances like dishwashers start to malfunction we are often burdened by this inconvenience. Toaster not toasting bread that well anymore? Garbage disposal getting clogged? Dishwasher not draining anymore? These are all annoying events. Today we will be speaking about the latter of ...

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8 Common Problems Seen Within Plumbing

Posted on September 27, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Whether you rent or own a home, you will likely be faced with a plumbing problem at least once. However, many of the problems seen that involve plumbing will not be detectable right away. When these problems are not addressed, this can result in major repairs. Normally, an issue with the plumbing will be caused by age and normal wear. While it may seem simple to fix the problems, it is better to leave them to the pros. With that, below we have listed some common problems seen within plumbing. Faucets that Leak A leaky faucet is a big deal ...

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Signs That Your Water Pressure is Too High

Posted on May 18, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

You may enjoy a nice shower with plenty of water pressure hitting your body. But if you have ever wondered if the pressure was to high then you should look for the telltale signs. If you believe that your water pressure may be actually getting higher but you are not sure there are some ways to tell this as well. Water Bill is Getting Increasingly More Expensive. If your water bill seems to be a little more every month, there is a chance your pressure is slowly increasing.  Normal water pressure is between 40-60 PSI. Some homes have been found ...

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