How Can I Improve my Water Heater Efficiency?


Tag: save money

How Can I Improve my Water Heater Efficiency?

Posted on February 12, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Saving money is on most people's minds these days. What step can I take to save money around the home? In this article we plan to answer that question as it relates to your water heater. There are some steps you can take to make sure you water heater is running as efficient as possible, saving you money in the long run. For instance,  where the water heater is located can save or cost you money. Location Location Location Most people buy a house which has already been built and the water heater has been installed. But if you are ...

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A Plumber’s Tips for Decreasing Your Water Bill

Posted on October 14, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Water is all around us: from the Atlantic Ocean next to Melbourne, Florida, to the many lakes and streams all around the state. While it may seem there is an abundant amount of it, the reality is that only 1% of the water on Earth is readily available for human consumption. The majority of unusable water is in the form of salt water in the oceans or frozen water in glaciers or polar ice caps. At the current rate of consumption, fresh water is decreasing much faster than the Earth is able to replenish it. When you’re committed to decreasing ...

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