Clogged Drains Or Slow Drains


Tag: clogs

Clogged Drains Or Slow Drains

Posted on January 15, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

We’ve all been there; in the shower and the water is filling the tub instead of draining like it should. Or maybe you’ve just done a sink load of dishes and now it won’t drain. Or the worst, you flush the toilet at a friend’s house and it starts to back up. It’s going to overflow! Having a clog can stop water draining entirely or just slow it down to a trickle. These are some of the most annoying situations to find yourself in. What steps can you take before you have to call a plumber? A plunger is usually ...

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Business Break Rooms

Posted on September 9, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Most offices and businesses have break rooms for their employees to relax or eat lunch in while on break. While this makes sense for everyone, the bad thing is that many employees don’t treat the sink at work the way they do their own at home. People are more likely to throw excess food down the garbage disposal at work, not worrying about whether or not it’s good for the sink, the pipes, or the disposal. When you have multiple people doing this, there’s likely to be a point in time where the disposal can’t keep up and the sink ...

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Knowing When You Need Sewer Jetting

Posted on August 19, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Water is used to clean things more than anything else. When you put pressure behind water, it makes it even more valuable to use. High pressure water can be used by plumbers to clean the insides of pipes and to help get the water flowing again as it should. Jetting hoses come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different diameters of piping throughout a home or office, so depending on where the clog is will depend on the size of hose needed. The hoses connect to a pump which directs the water from a source to the hose. Depending ...

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