Typical Life Expectancy of Your Indoor Plumbing


Typical Life Expectancy of Your Indoor Plumbing

Posted on June 3, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

plumbing life-expectancy

It can be argued that plumbing does the most important work in your home. It not only brings in fresh water for drinking, bathing and brushing your teeth, it also, removes the smelly waste which could be harmful to you.

Knowing the life expectancy of your plumbing can help you be prepared for when it starts breaking. Or, better yet, to now when to pre-emptively strike and have it replaced before there is a busted pipe or major leak.


To know the longevity of the pipes you have in your home, it is necessary to know exactly what kind of pipes you have. If you have old metal pipes, like copper and iron, they usually can go for about 40-60 years. PVC piping has a lifespan of about 40-50 years.

Homes made between the 1970-1990’s on the east coast used a lot of polybutylene piping. This was thought to be a great pipe because of how pliable it was but it turned out to be a pipe that breaks easily over time. This type of piping is usually replaced when discovered.

Water Heaters

Of course this all depends on the type of water you have running through these things. Water heaters which get a lot of sediment from well systems typically burn out faster.

  • Old fashioned Tank Water Heater: 10-15 years
  • Tankless Water Heater: 20 years
  • Heat Pump Water Heater: 10 years

Toilets are one of the more long-lasting pieces of equipment you will buy. They are usually made very solid and not a whole lot can go wrong, structurally speaking. They tend to last up to 50 years.


Faucets are made all over the place. They can be made very well and last decades or they can be a piece of junk and last five years. It is safe to say that your average faucet can be good for 15-20 years.

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